Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ladies Circle

Some months ago I saw an advertisement in a local free magazine inviting local ladies to join this group and the specifically said they were not the WI - I decided in that second 'why not'. As I work full time I had not really had chance to meet people locally and I saw this as a bit of a shame as when I moved from the city to a quiet village I thought it would be a chance to be a part of the community in general.

So, I rang the number, spoke to a lovely lady and arranged to meet up for a drink with her, another member and another lady interested in joining. Turns out this was a really positive something that I could do for myself, the ladies involved have been very welcoming and they do all sorts of interesting and different things. Too date there have been meals, bingo, wall building, tile painting, progressive suppers and much, much more planned for the future. I would highly recommend that anyone wondering whether to do something that seems a little bit scary goes for it - at the time my attitude was 'what have I got to loose' and the answer was nothing, in the end I have just gained so much more than I ever expected.

On Thursday Holbeach Ladies Circle is celebrating its 30th Charter Night, so 30th years of being a group within Ladies Circle, with a St Patricks themed dinner. I have done what I can to help - making invites and getting decorations and will also do what I can in the dressing up in green (although this might not be so much a success) and I am really looking forward to it.

It seems to be that this is another hobby/pastime to add to my list but I reckon I will get out what I put into it and that it will be worthwhile.

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