Thursday, July 29, 2010

Being Daft

Have you ever sat down and thought back on something that has happened and wondered if you over reacted? I seem to be doing that more and more recently especially given my tendancy to blow things out of all reasonable proportions for example:

There is a baby in the family, 5 months old and I am really hurt that I have never had a cuddle. I have been offered a cuddle once, when I had flu and really shouldn't even have been in the room with a small baby never mind sharing air with one so at the time I politly said ' love to but I'm not well, it is not fair on baby'. I know that the explanation is simple - not the right time or circumstances, they may even think that to offer would be to hurt my feelings or cause me distress but I sometimes feel like they don't trust me - like the think I am going to run away with him. My husband is the same boat with this one and I presume the reasoning is the same, he never says how it makes him feel or whether it bothers him which leaves me wondering if I am, in fact, being daft.

I suppose the easy answer is 'ask for a cuddle', whenever I think about this I always hear people shouting that in my head but I think it would be even more awkward for them to frind an excuse to say no if they really didn't want me anywhere near plus I am far to polite to push myself on them.

I guess there is no answer.

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