Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The dreaded HSG

I figured, with this being one of the most nightmarish procedures I had to deal with I would give it an entry all of its very own.

After battling for 2 months for an appointment (hard to get one on the right cycle day when they only run them on one afternoon in a week) I got one and had exactly 2 days to prepare for it. reading the internet is great as is asking for other people's experiences so honesty has to be king.

X-ray machines are some of the most daunting I have come across so to be laying down, legs akimbo with the machine hovering about me was to feel a bit caged in. Luckily the radiologist was lovely, the lady performing the test was lovely and the observing doctor asked my permission with a 'I really don't mind if you want me to leave' and was great because his questions meant I got a lot more information about what was going, why and what it meant. I have no problems with having the trainee in with (although one at a time is enough) and wish that more people were the same as they have to learn somehow and patient communication skills are just as important as the actual medical bit for me.

My hope is that in the future I can look back at these tests and smile, wonder what all the fuss was about and be grateful that I have my dream but for the time being they are still raw and unpleasant memories of something which to date, has had no positive result.

Afterwards was a miserable drive home in the rain, uncomfortable and grumpy but the results were good - nothing blocked so another tick against another box onthe journey onwards and upwards.

The new good news is that after an internal ultrasound scan yesterday (not as unpleasant as expected and my thanks to the consultant and nurse who were brilliant) I have been told to wait for a letter prescribing me with the fertility drug clomid - used to encourage ovulation so have regaining a little positivity in that this might be the push we need.

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