Monday, February 7, 2011

A Letter to the EPU

To whom it may concern,

My only contact with you has been as a result of my miscarriage and I would like to point out a number of my observances from the the treatment that I received from you.

I would like to remind you that, whilst you deal with instances like mine on a daily basis I don't and what I really needed was some human compassion and understanding. I would like to remind you of the missive 'deal with others as you would wish to be dealt with'. I was made to feel like I was an inconvenience to you, I didn't have appointments which meant someone had to make time to see me but I was devastated and I wanted clear information and reassurance - what I received I had to ask for and this is incredibly hard when you have no idea what to ask. I remember that by the time I was seen with all my test results I have been in your department for 7 hours and all I wanted was to go home but being forgotton for over 2 hours because your handover was inaccurate was not the information I required. It made me feel unimportant and a nusiance. It made me feel like I shouldn't be wasting your time.

My experience in your waiting room was a long one and it was punctuated by a number of other couples including one whom were excitied by their unexpected pregancy and were basking in this dispite me sat sobbing in the corner. I find it cruel to place couples like that in with couples suffering as we were, surely there could have been somewhere else for one of us to have been asked to wait? Again, I am asking for some human compassion to be shown, something I feel your unit lacked.

I have to make comparisons to the fertility clinic that I attend where the staff handle me with care and consideration - they are aware that their waiting room is not the kindest as it is shared with ante-natal and gyneacology and the material is always focused on ante-natal patients but I have the choice to wait elsewhere if I wish. I do feel like you could learn a lot from them.

It was staff from this clinic who performed the ultra sound scan and confirm the worst, the doctor and nurse here were kind, were understanding of my distress and we willing to take the time to make sure I understood but I was with them for less that 30 minutes of my long day and so it is the negative I have focused upon.

Yours, in the hope that in the future you are kinder to other women who are unfortunate enough to be in your care for sad circumstances,

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